Fleet Managers Guide Follow
Read the Fleet Managers Guide here.
Table of Contents
Speeding Events and Thresholds
Gesture Triggered Video Settings
Mobile Trip Cards (Trip History)
Setting up Raven
Each Raven you’ve received has been shipped already pre-assigned to your account.
If this is your first set of Raven units and you haven’t set up your account before, you will:
- A temporary account password has been sent to your email. Use this password to log in to the Raven Connected Web App (app.raven.is). You will be prompted to change your password.
- After resetting your account password, you will be prompted to enter your billing information. This needs to be completed before you install any of your Raven devices. Failure to do so will prevent Raven from registering onto your account and you will need to contact Support to complete the set up.
- Install Raven in your vehicles using the instructions contained in the Quick Start Guide.
- Once these steps are complete, you are ready to start monitoring your fleet.
If you’re adding more Raven units to your existing account: Each additional Raven will be delivered pre-assigned to your account and pre-provisioned. Install Raven into your vehicles using the instructions contained in the Quick Start Guide, and they will begin appearing in the Raven Apps.
Raven Connected Web App
The Raven Connected Web App is the primary tool that fleet managers use to track their vehicles with Raven.
To login to the Web App:
- Navigate to app.raven.is
- Sign in using your Raven credentials
For an overview of the Raven Web App, watch this video.
Status Icons
Real-time status icons notify you of common issues Raven may experience, allowing you to proactively identify problems and take action to resolve them immediately.
The following real-time status icons are available:
Loss of cellular connectivity
Raven unplugged
Vehicle Idling
SD card issue
Possible Impact
SD Card Status Icons
Additional information about SD card issues is provided through a tool-tip when you hover over the status icon. More details are also available in the Details panel.
The following are the potential SD card issues:
- SD card is missing
- SD card needs formatting
- SD card is not large enough
- SD card is full
Vehicle Status
Vehicle Statuses provide real-time information about a particular vehicle in your fleet.
To check on the status of a vehicle, from the Vehicles Tab, click on a vehicle from the map. A status box will appear presenting the following information:
- If the car is driving or parked
- Who’s driving
- The live speed
- The live fuel level
- If there is an issue with the vehicle (if there is a DTC code, it will appear red, clicking on the box will provide insight on the possible cause)
You can also find this information and granular trip data on the left-hand side of the Vehicle Details panel.
Naming Vehicles
Name your vehicles to be able to tell them apart distinctly.
From the Vehicles pop out in the Vehicles Tab, hover over the vehicle you would like to rename. Select the pencil, then type in your desired name. Select the checkmark to confirm the change or the ‘x’ to discard changes.
Event Alerts
In addition to the status icons, when Raven detects a change in the vehicle's behavior, an event will be added to the list in the Details panel with road and cabin camera images, so you can confirm what occurred. The following is a complete list of event alerts:
- Engine on
- Parked
- Car Battery Low
- Car Trouble Code
- Raven Unplugged
- User Shutdown
- Entered Geofence
- Exited Geofence
- Aggressive Acceleration
- Harsh Braking
- Idling Started
- Possible Impact
- Speeding Started
- Car Movement While Parked
- Harsh Cornering
- Cellphone Detected
- Camera Obscured
- Smoking Detected
- Fatigue Detected
- Distraction Detected
- Eating/Drinking Detected
A Geofence is a point or area on a map that can trigger events. For example, you might set a Geofence around a job site to generate reports on when vehicles arrived or left the area and know how long they were at that location.
To create a Geofence, select the Geofences Tab from the menu. Within the Geofences popout, click on the ‘Add Geofence’ button. You can then toggle between point or polygonal Geofences as desired.
For further instruction, check out the spotlight.
Geofence Enter / Exit Events will appear on your Dashboard, within Trip Review, and in Geofence Reports.
For all configurable settings within the Geofence setting, check out the spotlight.
Live Streaming and Recording
The Live Streaming feature enables you to check-in on your vehicles and the driver in real-time, at any point.
To access Live Streaming, open the Vehicle Details panel at the bottom of the Vehicles Tab. In the bottom right corner, click the ‘LTE Live Stream’ icon on the preview image.
A video viewing window will pop up. You can switch between cabin- and road-facing camera views by clicking on the ‘Camera Switch’ icon.
As you watch the Live Stream, the video viewed will be created as a ‘Live Stream Event’ allowing the ability to replay your streamed session at any time within the Event stack from the Vehicles and History tabs.
*Note: Compared to the Preview Images provided in the Details panel, Live Streaming video will use more data on the cellular network.
Dispatch Messaging
Raven’s Dispatch Messaging feature enables you to send real-time messages to Ravens screens to communicate with drivers while they’re on the road.
To send a dispatch message, from the Vehicles Tab, select a vehicle you wish to send a message to. The vehicle’s card will open up, revealing a Message box for you to select a pre-canned message, or type a 15-character message of your own. Click the “paper airplane” icon to send.
Trip Sharing
Trip Sharing allows you to send a link to anyone, so they can temporarily live-track the location of your vehicle and access preview images from the road-facing camera.
To begin sharing a trip, from the Vehicles Tab, open the Vehicle Details panel and select the Share Trip button to create a link to your trip. Send this link via SMS, email or other communication channels.
When the trip expires, the link also expires and sharing is terminated. The link will no longer work after the trip ends. Raven considers a trip to end one hour after the car is turned off.
Sharing a trip will send a link to the current trip. If the vehicle is parked, then the next trip will be shared.
Trip Review
While the Vehicles Tab shows you the current location and status of your vehicles, the Trip History view allows you to view information for past Trips.
Select the vehicle of interest through the dropdown in the left hand corner then filter through the calendar and select a day. This will populate a list of Trips to the right of the calendar, select from the list of Trips or a duration while the vehicle was parked. In the Vehicle Details panel the Trip Report and Events will be available and the route will appear on the map. Hover your mouse over the Trip Path to display the time the vehicle was at that location on the path.
Note: Raven loops its video storage, with the oldest videos being removed to make room for the newest footage.
Cloud Video
Raven's Remote Cloud Video captures video footage from all detected Events, from both the cabin- and road-facing cameras, and is immediately available, remotely, for review in the Web App.
To access Cloud Videos, from the Histories Tab, you will see a small 'play' icon beside all Events in the Details panel, indicating video footage of the event is available for you to upload/play.
An opaque icon means that the video is already in the cloud and ready to be played. A transparent icon indicates that the video is available for remote upload to the cloud from the Raven device. Click on the icon in the preview pane to upload/play the video.
Certain events are designated as "critical" (e.g., "Possible Impact", "Harsh Braking"), and their video will be automatically uploaded without any actions required by the user. All other events will have the transparent icon requiring action to upload.
Once any video is uploaded, it's stored in the cloud and can be accessed at any time from the web app.
Cloud videos can also be accessed from the Vehicles Tab for the current trip.
Historic Streaming
Historic Video Streaming enables continuous footage to be made remotely available via the Web App for your review. Once you have streamed that video, it is saved to the cloud and accessible at any time.
To access Historical Streaming, from the History tab, in the 'Calendar' panel, select the Vehicle, Date, and Trip of interest. If the continuous video footage from this Trip is still available on Raven's storage, it will be available for remote viewing.
To choose what point in the Trip you would like to start streaming from, hover your cursor along the map's breadcrumb trail. The time of day each part of the Trip took place will appear. Once you find the part of the Trip you want to review, click the icon to begin streaming.
Using the arrows, skip forward and backward by 15-second increments to review the whole Trip. You can also pause/play the video at any time.
Cloud videos can also be accessed from the Vehicles Tab for the current trip.
All Historic Video Streams are automatically saved to your Raven Cloud storage. These videos will appear as a 'Streaming Event' in the 'History' tab in the Event stack. These videos are available to view and download at any time.
HD Streaming Downloads
HD Streaming Downloads can be used for moments where high quality footage is necessary. 30 second HD clips of pertinent information can be downloaded directly from the historical video streaming player.
To download HD streaming clips open a Historical Streaming session. Once you’ve identified the point of interest, pause the video. A download button will become available. Downloading from this point will select 15 seconds prior to the pause and 15 seconds afterwards. A dialogue box will appear confirming your request. Once confirmed the video will be pushed to the cloud. A User Video Request event will become available in the Events stack. Here, you can replay and download the clip anytime.
Enhanced Video Access
EVA can be accessed via the History Tab for any footage that remains available on the Raven device.
To request a video from the EVA feature, open the Vehicle Details panel and select "Request Video". Click and drag the blue slider along the timeline. Once you've identified the segment of interest, select the desired duration, click 'Request Download,' and choose from either or both camera feeds you would like the video to be retrieved from.
Once the request is complete, the HD Video will be available from the Events stack labeled 'User Video Request' at the time the recording took place.
For all of the details on the feature, check out our Feature Spotlight.
Event Review
Each Raven Event is paired with cabin- and road-facing imagery and event details. Event Review summarizes any selected Event Types for users to review and share. Users can also download associated videos, view a sharable trip summary, the entire trip in Trip Review, or export the complete list of events in a CSV format. For more information on Event Review, check out the Spotlight.
Raven’s Reporting functionality enables you to keep track of driver performance, vehicle usage, and the status of each Raven device.
To access reports, click on the Reports tab, located in the top-right corner of the Web App. The Reporting tool provides Trip, Stop, Event, Geofence, Device and Vehicle DTC reports.
You can access the raw data from any report by exporting the report data to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. These CSV files can be opened in a spreadsheet program (e.g., MS Excel, Google Sheets) and are easily read by other software systems. Select the Export CSV button.
Note: Driver-based reports are only available if you have Facial Recognition enabled.
Trip Reports
Trip Reports will display a summary of all the Trips taken during a specified time range.
Stop Reports
The Stop Report includes a detailed view of all parking and idling events over a specified timeframe. This report can be used in your workflows to validate timesheets and customer billing or investigate the misuse of company assets and time.
For short parking durations (shorter than 1 hour), you'll notice the icon. These parked events will not display as individual trips in the Trip Report but will appear as parking time in the row for the previous driving trip.
Activity Reports
Activity Reports are a combined view of driving and parked activities with activity start and end times, duration, distance, location, and Geofence interactions for all vehicles over a selected duration.
Event Reports
Event Reports are a summary table of significant captured events which include: Idling, Speeding, Aggressive Acceleration, Harsh Braking, Car Trouble Codes, and Possible Impact events.
A direct link to the Trip History is available under the Date column.
Geofence Reports
When did a vehicle / driver arrive at a specific location (Geofence)? How long were they at the site (within the bounds of the Geofence)? Geofence Reports can provide these answers.
Device Reports
The Device Report provides information about each of your Raven devices. This report includes Raven's state (i.e. Driving, Parked, Unplugged), which vehicle the Raven is installed in, Odometer value, SIM card information, and other important details.
Vehicle DTC Reports
While live vehicle diagnostic trouble codes were always available in the primary dashboard, Vehicle DTC Reports now allow users to filter by date to see if any vehicle displayed a DTC code and what that code was.
Global Configurations
Global Configurations enable you to customize Raven’s features to your preference.
To make your customizations, from the 'Settings' tab, locate the ‘Global Configurations’ section. The following configurations are available:
- Audio - Enable/disable audio recording and streaming on Ravens
- Cameras - Enable/disable the road- or cabin-facing cameras and adjust recording quality
- Driver Alerts - Enable/disable in-vehicle alerts from Ravens (i.e. Speeding)
- Events - Enable/disable speeding events triggered by Ravens and set a threshold
- Gestures - Enable/disable triggering short video recording with gesture
Integrations - Enable/disable exposed integrations
- Fleetio integration details can be found here.
- Units of Measure - Set the units of measure displayed on Ravens
Note: Settings are applied fleet-wide. When you make adjustments to the Global Configurations, the changes will be applied to all of the Raven devices on your account
Note: For all other alert types users must configure them via the Mobile App.
Audio Settings
Audio Recording
Note: Audio Recording is disabled by default.
Audio recording enables all recorded footage to host audio with it. This includes Event, Continuous, and Gesture videos.
To enable or disable audio on your video recording toggle the first button below the ‘Audio’ section within ‘Global Configurations’. When you toggle this setting to 'Enabled,' a pop-up will appear to confirm the action. Please read the details provided in the pop-up carefully before clicking 'Enable.' Ensure that you use Audio Recording in compliance with your local laws. Depending on where you live, you may need consent to record people's voices in your vehicles.
Audio Streaming
Audio Streaming is set to 'Disabled' by default. Enable the Audio Streaming setting to hear the audio from Raven's microphones when you are streaming live or from historical video footage.
Note: Two-way audio is not supported.
Using the toggle buttons, first, make sure audio recording on your Ravens is enabled, then enable 'Streaming Video With Audio' below it.
When you toggle this setting to 'Enabled,' a pop-up will appear to confirm the action. Please read the details provided in the pop-up carefully before clicking 'Enable.' Ensure that you use Audio Streaming in compliance with your local laws. Depending on where you live, you may need consent to record people's voices in your vehicles.
You can enable/disable Audio settings at any time from the Web App.
Cameras Settings
Camera Configuration
Enable/disable either Road or Cabin cameras, or enable both cameras.
In some cases you may want to temporarily or permanently disable either the road or cabin-facing camera depending on your local laws or preferences.
To do so from the ‘Cameras’ section of ‘Global Configurations’ Toggle on or off either or both cameras. Your changes will be saved automatically.
Video Quality Settings
Video Quality Settings are user-selectable allowing you to extend the video storage capacity. To choose the recording quality of Raven's cameras, from the ‘Video Quality’ section within ‘Cameras’ select your preferred recording quality:
- Legacy: The original H.264 video recording quality on Raven
- HD: The current default quality setting that we enabled just before the new year (H.265; nearly double the video length as the Legacy option)
- Balanced and Extended: Increased video storage options through incremental reductions in the frame rate and bitrate (video quality)
Note: Video storage durations are approximate only and may vary depending on various factors, including the video scenery, lighting, or health of the SD card.
Daily Summary Reports
The Daily Summary Reports provide an overview of your drivers, vehicles, and pertinent information. Delivered to your inbox each morning, the report Includes a summarized view of:
Critical Events (i.e. Harsh Braking, Potential Impact)
Device Events (i.e. SD Card Unplugged, Low Battery Voltage)
DTC Codes (i.e. Engine troubles or other fault codes)
Driving Events (i.e. Speeding)
How to use it
To Enable Daily Summary Reports, from the Web App, select the ‘Settings’ tab. Scroll to the ‘Daily Summary Reports by Email’ section and toggle the button to Enable.
To add recipients, select the plus button, type in their email address, and select ‘ADD EMAIL.’ You can add as many recipients as you would like. All recipients will begin receiving the daily report in their inboxes.
If you would like to remove a recipient from receiving the report, select the negative red button to the left of their email. Confirm your decision by selecting ‘REMOVE EMAIL,’ and they will immediately stop receiving the reports to their inbox.
Driver Alert Settings
Driver Alerts sound a chime, alerting the driver whenever a notable event occurs. The most common Audible event is the speeding event.
Audible Alerts are ‘Enabled’ by default. To disable Audible Alerts, from the ‘Driver Alerts’ section, use the toggle button and disable 'Audible chimes for events’.
Event Settings
Speeding Events and Thresholds
Raven tracks your vehicles' speeds and how fast they are being driven relative to the posted speed limits.
Within the ‘Events’ Section of ‘Global Configurations’, you can enable Speeding Events to alert you when one of your vehicles goes over the limit. You can also set a Speeding Threshold to limit Speeding Event notifications to more significant overages, rather than be alerted every time a vehicle goes one mile (or kilometre) over.
You can select either an absolute- or percentage-based Speeding Threshold.
To enable Speeding Events use the toggle below ‘Speeding’. Use the dropdown menu to choose an absolute-based (mph/kph) or percentage-based (percent) threshold. Next, enter the amount you want the threshold set at.
AI Detection Features
Raven's AI-enabled features allow users to monitor and reduce risky driving behaviors through real-time alerts and event tracking. Each detection feature works by continuously monitoring the driver while the vehicle is being driven. When detected, a small toast widget appears on the right side of Raven's screen and beeps, alerting the driver. Simultaneously, notifications are delivered to the Raven Apps, notifying management of the detection. All detections will appear in the Events stack from the dashboard and Trip Review tabs and are searchable in Event Review.
The following detection features are available:
Smoking Triggers when a driver is smoking |
Fatigue Triggers when a driver shows signs of fatigue, such as yawning or closed eyes |
Distracted Triggers when a driver is looking down, away from the road |
Eating/Drinking Triggers when a driver has food or a drink in hand |
Cellphone Triggers when a driver is holding their cellphone in view by Raven's cabin camera |
Camera Obscured Triggers when an object has blocked the cabin-camera view |
By default, AI events are disabled. To enable them:
- From the Web App, select the Settings tab from the menu, scroll down to the 'Events' section, and click to expand.
- Scroll to the desired section and toggle on to start receiving alerts when drivers interact with their devices.
For more information, check out The Spotlight.
Event Threshold Settings
Raven users can customize the appropriate sensitivity to their vehicle size and satisfaction. From the Web App, users can now Enable or Disable and set thresholds for Aggressive Acceleration, Harsh Braking, Harsh Cornering, and Possible Impact events. You do not need to adjust the setting if you're content with the existing notification triggers. For more information on Settings, check out the Spotlight.
- From the Web App, select the Settings tab from the menu, and scroll down to the 'Events' section. A complete list of configurable settings will be displayed.
- Toggle to turn on or off an Event, then click and drag the slider to adjust your ideal sensitivity level. The further to the left the slider is located, the less sensitive Raven will react to the selected Event. Alternately the further to the right, the more susceptible to Events Raven will be.
- If you're unsure of your desired sensitivity level, there are vehicle-type indicators along the slider to help indicate the typical type of vehicle that is suitable for the level of sensitivity. You can also enter a value to set the sensitivity level. Select 'Apply' to change the sensitivity level or 'Discard Changes' to keep the settings as they were.
Gesture Triggered Video Settings
Gesture Triggered Videos enable drivers to manually flag, with a Gesture to Raven, important events as they occur on the road or from within the cabin. This Gesture results in a 50 second video, retrieving 20 seconds prior to the gesture and 30 seconds after.
To use Gesture Triggered Videos, they must first be enabled. By default they are disabled for business users. From the ‘Gestures’ section within ‘Global Configurations’ toggle on Gesture Short Videos. The driver must also have the mobile app downloaded to their phone for the video to download.
To trigger a Gesture Video, from the vehicle, move your hand towards the Raven device until it beeps and begins a countdown. The video will immediately download to their phone.
Unit of Measure
Whether you’re more comfortable reading metric or imperial units from the Raven device screen you can select your Distance and Speed and Temperature measures.
To do so, from the ‘Units of Measure’ section of ‘Global Configurations’ select from Imperial or Metric for Distance and Speed measurements and Celcius or Farenheit for temperature. Your selection will automatically be saved.
Facial Recognition
Raven’s Facial Recognition feature enables the cabin-facing camera to:
- Know who’s driving the vehicle, without the need for additional hardware such as fobs and key tags
- Know if there’s an ‘Unknown’ driver
- Know if the driver has changed
- Generate driver-based reports
To enable and begin training the Facial Recognition Feature, from the Settings Tab, scroll down to the ‘Facial Recognition’ section.
The fleet administrator will have the discretion of turning this feature ON or OFF. It is OFF by default.
Please ensure that you use Facial Recognition in compliance with your local laws. Depending on where you live, you might need to get consent to have your camera help identify people in your vehicle.
By enabling Facial Recognition, you agree that you have read and accepted its terms of use as detailed in the Raven EULA.
The Raven Facial Recognition system uses artificial intelligence to recognize faces and assign faces to an identity (name). It compares facial information with a database of known faces in order to find a match.
When getting started with this technology, we recommend that you review it frequently to help train the system. Train it by assigning names to drivers, merging faces that the system has mistaken for different people and delete images that were incorrectly assigned. As you continue to maintain the face library over time, the recognition models will become more accurate and you will not have to review as often. For step-by-step instructions on how to train Raven’s Facial Recognition Feature check out the Spotlight.
User settings
Update your account password any time. To do so, navigate to the ‘Admin’ Tab. Under ‘User Settings’ then ‘Email and Password’, select ‘Change’. Enter your existing password, then your new one and again select ‘Change’.
Customize the look and feel of your Raven Web App by updating the theme. To change the theme, from the ‘Theme’ Section of ‘User Settings’ select from either ‘Light Mode’ or ‘Dark Mode’ and the App will automatically switch over.
Unit of measure
Choose from either Imperial (miles, mph) or Metric (km, km/h) measurements for metics throughout the Raven Web App. To switch units of measurement select one of the two options. The newly selected units will automatically display throughout the Web App.
My Ravens
App Sharing (Trusted Circle)
App Sharing allows you to invite others to monitor and track any Raven you choose to share with them. Invited users will not have access to change configurable settings.
You can withdraw the App Sharing at any time if you no longer want to share the vehicle’s status.
To share a Raven within ‘Account Details’, under the “My Ravens” select the “Invite Users” button beside each vehicle that you would like to share. Click on this link and provide the email address of the person you wish to share access to. They will then receive instructions to create an account. If they already have an account the Raven will show under their list of Ravens.
Revoke user
If you no longer wish to share access to a Raven with another user you can revoke their usage at any point.
To remove their access, within the ‘Account Details’ section, under the “My Ravens”, locate the device(s) that you have previously shared with them. Beside their name and email address select ‘Remove Access’, a pop up will appear confirming your decision, click ‘Remove Access’ again. They will no longer have access to that Raven device. If you change your mind you can re-invite them at any point.
Remove Shared Raven
If someone has shared their Raven with you and you would no longer like to see it on your dashboard you can remove it at any time.
To remove a Raven shared with you, from ‘Account Details’ scroll down to the Raven you would like to remove. In the bottom right corner select ‘Remove Raven’.
Billing Details
If you need to change the card on account or update any payment information, update your billing details from the ‘Billing Details’ section.
To update your information, scroll down to the ‘Billing Details’ and select ‘Edit Payment Information’. Update the information as necessary and ‘save’.
Mobile App
The Raven Connected Mobile App is a secondary tool that fleet managers or other employees can use to track vehicles with Raven.
To download the Mobile App:
- Download for: iOS devices
- Download for: Android devices
You can then login using your regular Web App credentials.
For an overview of the Raven Mobile App, watch this video.
Mobile Dashboard
The Dashboard is your main view into your Ravens.
a. Click on the preview image to access live video streaming.
b. Switch views between different Raven devices
c. Click to view any DTC codes that arise
d. Snap to your location
e. Snap to vehicle location
f. Live fuel level
g. Live speed
h. Switch between road and cabin camera views
i. Trip Sharing
Mobile Trip Cards (Trip History)
Trip cards are summaries that document trips you’ve taken with your Raven.
- Calendar browser for trip history
- Trip card includes granular trip details within
- Still images associated with each event
- Trip report metrics
- Map view of the trip including all events
- Trip events
Mobile Driver Reports
Here you can find summary statistics on your vehicle. Individual trip statistics can be found in the Trip Cards.
Mobile Media Manager
View and download media stored on your Raven.
Gesture videos from either the cabin, road or both can be set to automatically download onto your phone by configuring them in Media Manager Settings in the top right corner. For all other videos that you would like to download via the mobile app, select the download button to the left of the video. If it has already been downloaded the download icon will show three dots below it.
Mobile Settings
Set preferences for your Raven, the app, and sharing. From the Mobile App you can adjust:
- Vehicle name
- Billing details
- Customize preferences including Raven screens, brightness, Gestures, Speeding Alerts, and Units of Measure. Changing any of these settings will apply on a per Raven basis and will not reflect across the entire fleet.
- Enable/disable alerts (any settings configured from the Web App will override the Mobile App settings).
- Invite users
- Check the status of your storage
- Connect with support
Raven Displays
The Raven screen can display a variety of widgets including useful information.
Information derived from the vehicle’s OBD port, the sensor array and internet sources can be displayed on the Raven screen.
To configure a new widget on Raven's displays, from the Mobile App, select ‘Settings’, ‘Preferences’, then ‘Raven Screen Editor’. You can select from one of four preset groupings or select the left or right screen and select the widget you wish to display.
Your Raven screen will update immediately. For a full list of customizable widgets see the spotlight.
Raven Screen Status Icons
There are a number of icons that appear on Raven’s screens to indicate the current status of Raven and some potential issues. These icons appear automatically on Raven’s screen when the device senses a change in behaviour. Below is a list of icons and what they mean.
Short Video Recording
SD Card Error
SIM Card Error
No Cellular Signal
Raven is unplugged
USB Plugged in
Continuous Footage
Raven records RAW HD footage from its road- and cabin-facing cameras. If Raven’s other means of capturing video are not sufficient for a particular reason, you can pull the continuous footage from the device.
If an SD card is present, video is written to the card. To access the video, remove the SD card and insert into your SD card reader on your laptop or desktop. Locate the temporary device in your files to pull the video from the card.
You can also use Raven like an external hard drive to read the videos from the unit directly, using a micro USB cable. To access footage via a USB cable, connect the device to your PC. A folder will become available. All footage available on the device can be pulled from this folder and downloaded to your PC.
Please perform this activity while your vehicle is parked.
If the displays are off, press the square button on the back of Raven to show the displays.
If your ENGINE is OFF:
- Press and hold the square button down until the ‘countdown’ then ‘shutting down’ display, then immediately release the square button.
- Screens will eventually go off and stay off.
- Start your vehicle to restart Raven.
If your ENGINE is ON :
- Press and hold the square button down until the ‘countdown’ then ‘shutting down’ display, then immediately release the square button.
- Screens will go off and then the Raven logo with white lettering will appear as it restarts.
Note: A satellite icon will appear on the upper left screen and will eventually disappear once it re-establishes cellular connection.
We’re here to help!
For troubleshooting and additional feature information please refer to The Help Centre. Login using your Raven Credentials to view all available articles.
If additional support is needed, reach out to our team. Our support team can be reached Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm ET during normal business hours via:
Email: support@ravenconnected.com
Phone: 1-833-842-0439
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